Sweet Wedding Fashion Alert
If you’re a fan of designer duds and aren’t already familiar with ideeli… Reader, meet ideeli. ideeli, meet Reader. ideeli is an invitation-only shopping community that has daily online events that provides members with privileged access to, quite frankly, hot discounted clothing, accessories, home goods, etc. (They aren’t even paying me to say that… I just think the goods are worth praising).
Tomorrow, January 26th, ideeli is throwing a Wedding Shopping event online, selling everything from wedding gowns to wedding favors to wedding-night nighties (but no wedding planners – you can get that here!). You must become a member to purchase things from the site, so go to the homepage and click on “Request an Invitation” to start that process. And do it soon, because their events run only a short time.
For more information about the “Ready, Set, Wed!” event, read their blog post here. Happy shopping!
ps – Gentlemen don’t have to feel left out. They have designer watches and cufflinks to keep the men clicking too.
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