diy wedding Tag

For the second installment of DIY IRL, I thought I’d open up about my own wedding (since I DIY’d the crap out of that). I’m a professional, so I only bit off as much as I could chew. I hired a florist who did a lot of the heavy lifting on the actual wedding day, but in the weeks leading up to it? That’s a horse of a different color. Case Study: Me, myself, and I… and my husband, Mike (you can judge for yourself whether my wedding planner *cough* me *cough*...

Welcome to my new blog feature, DIY IRL (“Do It Yourself, In Real Life” for you newbs out there). It occurs to me that every wedding blog features DIY-this and DIY-that. If you go on Pinterest, you can get step by step instructions on how to make coffee filter flowers. But nobody really covers the financial, logistical, and sometimes emotional toll “DIY”ing can really take on your wedding plans. Now, I L. O. V. E. done-yourself details at a wedding, but I also coach my clients on how to get...

Did you know May 25th is National Wine Day?  Neither did we, but that didn't stop Rebecca and Chris from throwing a wine-themed wedding on that day this year!  (Side note - don't you think the purple lanterns look like big, billowing clusters of grapes?  That was totally on purpose.)  I had a blast getting to know this couple (they are hysterical and I'm hoping I can get Rebecca to teach me how to scuba dive!) and am so honored that they included me in their big day. As usual, the...

I am always bragging about how I have the coolest clients (is it bragging if it's true?), but Carolyn and Brian really take the (wedding) cake.  I met this lovely couple before they even started dating - way back in my days in the newspaper biz.  I was the Events Manager (natch), Carolyn was the Arts and Copy Editor, and Brian was a Senior Editor (he later become Editor in Chief - fancy!).  Their mutual love of Philadelphia, homebrew, and being awesome brought them together, until one day they found...