philadelphia wedding budget Tag

Buckle in – this is a long one. I didn’t get into this business because I have Scrooge McDuck dreams of swimming around in a pool of gold coins. As I’ve said on many occasions, there is a difference between the WEDDING INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX and small business owners – like myself – who are just trying to run a tight ship, keep their clients happy, and have enough money to pay their bills, raise their families, and take the occasional vaca. And in most cases, my clients come to me with budgets...

I’m writing this post today for those of you who are buried in wedding magazines, up to your eyeballs in fabric swatches, and so sick of wedding jargon that you swear if you hear one more person say the words “wow factor,” you’re going to glue your own ears shut. For you, I offer this simple, straight forward piece of advice. Wedding planning is just project management. How is that for a non-sexy blog topic!  “Ooh, project management! What I’ve always dreamed about for my big day!” But this is a message worth...

I was literally about to go to sleep when – despite knowing better – I clicked on a link titled “18 Ways Real People Had Their Weddings for $5000 or less.” What followed upset me so much that I sprung from my bed to blog what was the matter. (“A Visit from St. Nicholas” reference, anyone?) Anyone who knows me knows that I am a huge advocate of respecting wedding budgets. Yes, I make a living from helping couples plan their weddings. But there is an actual difference between the...

A word that strikes fear into the hearts of every business owner.  A word that calls to mind a ritualistic dance of calculators, spreadsheets, legal pads, and tears.  A word that - despite its actual length - is considered a four letter word to my husband. Budget. It's certainly not a word that one would associate with a wedding.  No, when you think of a wedding you think of flowers, cake, candles, fancy clothes, hard partying, and close friends.  But budgeting is the number one thing that clients, potential clients, and engaged...